杉木溃疡病是由真菌-菌葡萄座腔菌(Botryosphaeria cunningha-miae Huang)所致。从该菌丝的生长和孢子萌发情况看:其温度范围为13—32℃适宜温度在24—28℃。在pH值3—9均能生长,以pH值为5—6生长最好。要求湿度较高,且以水滴下生长最佳。在PDA和黄豆葡萄糖培养基上,菌丝生长旺盛,菌落生长亦快,20多天后逐渐产生较多的黑色子囊腔组织,发现有子囊形成。该菌在葡萄糖、蛋白胨上,菌落生长快但稀薄,在麦芽糖、脲素上,菌落生长慢却厚密,脲素、麦芽糖有利于黑色子囊腔组织的形成。用异稻瘟净防治该病。
A canker disease was found widely distributed in young stands of Cunninghamia lancelata ( Lamb) Hook, the pathogen has been identified as Botryosphaeria cunning-hamiae Huang.
The process of germination of the ascospora shows that the per centum of germination in water is 83.5% and water of Chinese fir is 96.3%. Mycelium of thefungi grew in temperature range 13-32℃, with an optimum at 24-28℃, the fungi grew vigorously on the medium of soy bean and PDA.
The ascospora of B. cunninghamiae Huang remaining on infected twigs mummies failed to germinate in the next summer. Infected twigs on ground under Chinese fir played little role as source of primary infection.
The disease can be cnotrolled by using isocyanide.
Journal of Fujian College of Forestry