通过分析高校思想政治工作的现状 ,总结归纳了新形势下高校学生思想政治工作面临的机遇和挑战 ,就构建高校思想政治工作新体制、完善和改进内容和方法、完善工作机制。
Our Communist Party of China always takes the ideological and political work on university students very seriously.In order to suit the demand of the new circumstances,to strengthen and improve the ideological and political work on university students,our ideological and political workers have been making deep research. By analyzing the current situation of the ideological and political work in universities, this article makes deep study of how to estalish the new system of the ideological and political work in universities,better its working mechanism,perfect its rules.Combining the working practice and experience,we make out our views.
Journal of Shandong Agricultural University(Social Science Edition)