在新形势下 ,如何运用法律来解决藏区赔命价这一特殊社会现象 ,已成为司法界、法学界面临的重大课题。文章就藏族赔命价习惯与我国现行刑事法律规范的冲突和加强地方立法方面作了探讨 ,旨在促进社会主义法制在少数民族地区全面。
At present situation, a great important research into the special social phenomenon of life-compensation in some Tibetan communities has to be made in the field of judicial and legislative administration. In this paper, the author has made a deep exploration into the conflict between life-compensation custom in some Tibetan communities and the present concerning legislative regulations. As a result, some suggestions as to strengthening regional legislation have been put forward with the purpose to further the good and full implementation of law in ethnic communities so that the research into the theories of ethnic law can go forward.
Journal of Qinghai Nationalities Institute(Social Sciences)