高师院校在以知识经济为特征的 2 1世纪中 ,在我国积极发展高等教育的时代背景下 ,在师范教育体系由封闭独立向开放多元体系转化过程中 ,高师院校如何面对变化的形势和时代的发展的要求 ,选择正确的改革发展方向 ,确立现代办学的理念 ,走出一条符合实际。
On the basis of strong development of higher education in China today,the system of teachers' training is turning from a model of independence and seclusion to that of opening-up and plusality.To meet the needs of the times,normal universities,which charactesized as the economics of knowledge in the 21 st century, should choose the right ways of reform and development,set up modern ideas on running a school well and figure out a realistic and featured way of persistent development from the changing situation.
Journal of Yunnan Normal University:Humanities and Social Sciences Edition