目的 探讨螺旋CT椎管造影 (SCTM)成像技术及临床应用价值 .方法 对 42例腰椎管狭窄症患者进行螺旋CT椎管造影检查 ,图像经计算机多平面重建软件处理 .结果 在 42例患者中 ,椎间盘病变 2 7例 ,先天性骨性椎管狭窄 2例 ,椎体后缘增生骨刺 2例 ,椎体滑脱 5例 ,黄韧带肥厚 3例 ,椎间盘突出术后及疤痕增生 3例 .全部病例均行手术治疗并证实 .后处理多平面重建图像能提供不同平面、多角度、多方位的任意轴面 (直面、曲面 )影像 ,突出显示椎管内蛛网膜下腔及脊神经根的形态、结构、位置及其连续性改变 .结论 SCTM -MPR能全面地清晰显示受检段脊柱及椎管内各解剖层次及其病理改变 ,提高病变定位及定性的准确性 。
Objective To evaluate the imaging technology and clinical application of spiral CTM.Methods 42 patients were examined with SCTM. The images were analyzed and reconstructed by computer software. Results Among 42 cases, there were 27 of lumbar disc diseases, 2 of congenital bony narrowing of vertebral canal, 2 of hyperosteogeny at rear edge of vertebra, 5 of vertebral dislocation, 3 of pachynsis of yellow ligaments. All the patients received operative treatments. The SCTM made 100% positive diagnosis. Computer reconstruction software can provide the multi-plane and multi-angle images, illustrating the vertebral canal and subarachnoid cavity, the appearance, structure and connectivity of spinal nerves.Conclusions SCTM-MPR can clearly illustrate the anatomy of vertebral canal and its contents, the pathologic changes, making a precise localization of the focus. It's believed that SCTM can be very valuable in clinical application of narrowing of vertebral canal.
Journal of Modern Clinical Medical Bioengineering