应用速扑杀、杀扑磷、快克和氧化乐果、杀灭菊酯防治板栗栗绛蚧若虫。试验结果表明速扑杀1000倍、杀扑磷 1000倍、快克800倍喷雾防治 15天后,栗绛蚧若虫虫口减退率为88.9%-89.99%,30天后若虫虫口减退率为93.85%-96.84%,防治效果好于氧化乐果、杀天菊酯,结合农药成本、防治效果,确定快克800倍,可作为喷雾防治栗绛蚧若虫首选农药之一。
Experiment of methidathion, bendiocurb, omethoate and fenvalerate on Kermes nawai nymph indicated that 15 days and 30 days after spraying 1000-fold methidathion and 800-fold bendiocurb, nymph population decreased respectively by 88.9%-89.99% and 93.85%-96.84%. The effect was better than omethoate and fenvalerate. 800-fold of bendiocurb was determined as the first one for controlling Kermes nawai nymph considering pesticide cost and control effect.
Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology