所谓通货紧缩是指价格总水平的持续下跌的过程。关于通货紧缩的原因 ,主要有费雪的债务———通货紧缩理论、弗里德曼的货币数量论、加利·西林的 14因素论和克鲁格曼的有效需求不足论等。关于通货紧缩的危害 ,主要有凯恩斯的社会生产低效论、格林斯潘的货币政策失效论和佩里的相对固定支出成本增加论等。
Deflation refers to the process in which the general level of prices continues to drop. Concerning the causes of deflation, there are mainly the theories of irving fisher*ss debt-deflation theory, friedman*ss monetary quantity theory, gary shilling 14-factor theory and krugman*ss theory of insufficiency of effective demand. As for the negative effects of deflation, there are principally Keynes*s low efficiency of social production, failure of monetary policy, and increase of relative fixed expenditure cost.
Journal of Lanzhou Commercial College