本文较详细地探讨了以多时相遥感数据为基础开展海岸变迁研究的方法和技术路线。认为:解译海岸线和进行海岸变迁研究首先要统一遥感数据的坐标系统、分辨率并相互配准。解译海岸线应以水陆分界较清楚的彩色合成图像为背景;当各个遥感数据成像时刻的潮位相差较大时,提出了在数字高程模型DEM(Digital Elevation Model)的支持下开展海岸线纠正的方法和影响精度的几个方面。最后讨论了大亚湾区域1973年、1986年、1995年、1997年的海岸特征和4个时相间海岸线变迁的程度及其与海岸类型、人为活动的关系。
In this paper the study method and working program of shore line changes research with the sup- port of multi - date remote sensing data and GIS (Geographic Information System) have been detail discuss. The working keys like uniting coordinate system in different time and different remote sensing data, taking a same re - sampling resolution, taking a good color composite image as background im- age that well distinguish land from water are very important in line interpretation. If these tide levels are not same or have an obvious height difference, the tide levels rectification must be taken. It has shown in block table that rectifying the lines with DEM ( Digital Elevation Model) . With this the shorelines in different times can be compared in a same standard base. At last the line change types and it's relationship with shore type, human activity have make out in the four date (1973.10.31, 1986.12.14, 1995.12.07, 1997.11.10) in DaYaWan bay pilot.
Gresearch of Eological South China Sea