Objective To evaluate the role of laparoscopy in the surgical treatment of liver diseases. Method The data of 56 patientswith liver disease underwent laparoscopic operation were analyzed retrospectively. Result Laparoscopic hepatectomy for hepaticcarcinoma (HC) were performed successfully on 2 patients. who kept alive for 20 months. Laparoscopic hepatectomy for liverhemangion,a were done successfully on 2 patients. rernaining alive. Five received laparoscopic microwave coagulo-necrotic therapyfor HC survived 6-12 months: Five patients received portal vein catheterization. 34 hepatic artery ligation plus portal veincntheterization. 4 portal vein catheterization plus hepatic artery cathcterization for unresectable advanced AC made good recoverwell. being alive tar 3~12 months. Two patients nuderwent laparoscopic-guided drainage of hepatic abscess and 2 laparoscopicfenestration for liver cyst recovered well, without complication. Conclusion Laparoscopic hepatectomy is very difficult on theexplorative stage. For palliative treatment of advanced unresectable HC. we can choose laparoscopic microwave coagulo-necrotictherapy. or hepatic artely ligation. hepatic artery catheterization and/or portal vein catheterization. Laparoscopic-guided drainage ofhepatic abscess may be an alternative method for open operation. Laparoscopic fenestration should be a first-choice method for livercyst.
Journal of First Military Medical University