肖像利益维护权是一种针对侵犯肖像权行为的救济性权利。在行使这项权利中 ,存在着两个转化 :一 ,针对非以营利为目的的侵犯肖像权行为 ,被法律强行转化为肖像权人的名誉权。二 ,针对侵犯死者肖像的行为 。
The right of upholding portrait interest is a relief right to be directed against the infringement upon citizens' right of portrait. It may be forcedly transformed into the right of reputation by law in case of the infringement upon a citizen's portrait not for profit. And It also may be transformed into the dead's close relations' right of reputation in case of the infringement upon the dead's portrait.
Hebei Law Science