现实世界是指在物理空间中 ,以原子、分子为最小构成单位的世界。虚拟世界则是在网络空间中 ,以数据信息为要素单位与计算机软件、硬件的联合。现实空间中存在着物理划界 ,但在网络空间中却无任何界线存在。当现实世界中在不同法域发生民商事案件的管辖权冲突时 ,一般在国际民事案件管辖权理论中研究解决 ,而同样性质的纠纷发生在网络中又如何解决呢。通过美国在网络纠纷中关于管辖权问题的经典案例介绍 ,从中看到从一般对人管辖的理论发展到最近出现的对物之诉 。
In real space, address can usually locate the person with whom it is interacting this tends to facilitate identification of partners and validation of transactions.This process is far more difficult in internet, when the parties in a transaction maw be in adjoing room or half the world. Territorial jurisdiction is a traditional theory of jurisdiction. However there is not any border in the cyberspace and lead to the modification of jurisdiction theory.By studying the internet case of United State, we can learn the evolution of the jurisdiction theory in cyberspace.
Hebei Law Science