利用统计分析方法 ,揭示破碎梯度n、平均块度K50 与不同性质岩石的爆破参数之间的内在联系。爆破试验在宣化钢铁公司近北庄铁矿露天采场进行。按普氏硬度系数的不同 ,把三个试验地点的岩石分为软岩、硬岩、坚硬岩石三类。只考虑抵抗线、台阶高与药量三个主要爆破参数对破碎块度的影响。用筛分法进行块度统计 ,并根据统计结果 ,画出破碎块度分布图。在试验设计和方差分析时 ,采用了Yates的方法 。
In this paper,the correlation of fragmentation gradient(n) and average fragment size(K 50 ) with blasting test parameters for different rock masses was revealed by a statistical and analytical method Blasting tests were conducted in Jinbeizhuang iron mine of Xuanhua Iron and Steel Company The rocks of three test sites were defined as soft,hard and very hard rocks according to Protodyakonov coefficient of rock strength The burden,bench height and charge weight were selected as blasting test parameters which affect the degree of fragmentation The screening method was used for analysis of fragmentation The fragment size distribution graphs were plotted based on analytical results The Yates method was applied for analysis of variance Through the Yates Table,the influences of single and combined blasting parameters on fragmentation of different rocks were analyzed and significant and non significant treatment combinations determined
Engineering Blasting