
卓然一家 压倒须眉——试析李清照的几首婉约词

Analysis into the Graceful and Retrained Ci by Li Qingzhao
摘要 李清照是我国文学史上最杰出的女作家 ,她对婉约词创作有自己的独特贡献。她的词善用叠字和口语 ,创造了婉曲微妙、新鲜而又隽永的独特的艺术风格。她的思妇词也有别于其它思妇之作 。 Li Qingzhao,the most outstanding female writer in the history of Chinese literature,has made unique contributions to the graceful and restrained Ci. She was good at using reduplication and colloquial language to create the elegant,subtle,fresh and meaningful artistic style ,which expresses her own feelings.
作者 邢海波
出处 《南都学坛(南阳师专学报)》 2000年第2期53-54,共2页
关键词 李清照 婉约词 艺术手法 思想内容 艺术风格 叠字 口语 思妇词 Li Qingzhao,graceful and restrained Ci,artistic approach,thought,content
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