“王者无外”和“夷夏之防”是中国古代边疆思想的两端 ,并被历代王朝各有侧重地付诸实践。它们发源于先秦农业、游牧两种不同文化类型的对峙 ,秦汉正式形成并用于指导对外政策。秦皇汉武的征伐四边是落实“王者无外” ,但其造成的恶果被儒学思潮加以批判 ,东汉班固正式提出完整的“夷夏之防”理论。以往学术界多从强化中央集权的政治角度肯定前者 ,但今天从文化的角度尤其是人类与环境的关系来看 。
As two opposite thoughts about fvontienrs,the thought of the emperor owns the whole world and the idea of Separating Chinese from the barbarians had been practiced respectively by every Chinese Dynasty.Those two thoughts originated from the Confrontation between agricultural Culture and nomadic culture in the Pre Qin period,took shape in the Qin Han period and then became guides for foreign policy.Under the guide of the idea of the emperor owns the whole whole world,both the First Emperor of Qin and Eonperor Wu of Han prachced conquering on frontier areas.the destructive results of their conquering wars were atlacked and criticised by confucians.In the Eastern Han Dynasty BanGu proposed the thory of Separating Chinese from the barbarians.For years most of scholars Confirmed the first thought about frontiers from the view point of pohitics,Since this thought is profitable to the central power.But now exalnine this matter from the angle of culture,or especially the relationship between mankind and environ ment,we should say that the second thought is practically more advantageous to maintain natura(environmental balance.