目前 ,多媒体会议系统的通信结构主要分为两种 :集中式通信结构和全分布式通信结构 .在远程多媒体会议系统中 ,这两种通信结构都很难满足多媒体会议系统的实时性要求 .针对这两种通信结构的缺点与不足 ,该文提出了一种新的通信结构 :分层通信结构 .这种通信结构可以有效减少远程多媒体会议系统的时间延迟 .对于不同的媒体混合技术 ,我们分别给出了构造其最佳分层通信结构的方法及相应算法 .实验数据表明 :相对于集中式通信结构和全分布式通信结构而言 ,分层通信结构可以有效减少远程多媒体会议系统的时间延迟 。
Nowadays, communication architectures for remote multimedia conference system mainly include centralized communication architecture and fully distributed communication architecture. These two communication architectures can hardly meet the real time requirements for remote multimedia conference systems. So we propose another novel communication architecture named hierarchical communication architecture to solve this problem. Hierarchical communication architecture can effectively reduce time delay for remote multimedia conference systems. We give the method of constructing the optimal hierarchical communication architecture and the corresponding algorithms for different multimedia mixing technology. It can be found from our experimental data that hierarchical communication architecture can reduce time delay for remote multimedia conference systems more by compared with centralized communication architecture and fully distributed communication architecture. So it is a better choice for remote multimedia conference systems.
Chinese Journal of Computers
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