在对 NOAA/AVHRR数据进行灰度拉伸、直方图均衡化、多通道合成等方法处理后 ,应用IDRISI软件的空间分析功能 ,对塔里木河流域进行了景观格局的宏观分析 ,结果表明在塔里木河干流区域景观类型相对简单 ,各景观自身破碎度低 ,连通性较好 ,景观间的均匀度差 ,是一种典型的脆弱的干旱区内陆河流域生态环境景观。
Based on NOAA/AVHRR data processing with gray level scaling, histogram equalization, multi\|channels composition and so on, the macro\|landscape patterns in the mainstream of Tarim River basin are analyzed using the spatial function of IDRISI software. The results show that landscape types is relatively simple in the mainstream of Tarim River basin. Meanwhile, every type has low fragmentation and good connectivity, but their evenness is bad. This is a typical vulnerable ecological landscape pattern in continent river basin in arid zone.
Remote Sensing Technology and Application
中国科学院资源与生态环境研究重大项目! KZ95 1-B1-2 13
国家重点基础研究项目! G19990 435 0 9资助