课题研制的两个剂型草坪喷播专用粘着剂 ,能明显提高土壤中水稳性团粒结构的含量 ,在相同粘度下土壤中 1~ 5mm粒级的水稳性团粒结构的含量比使用进口 FIN50 0粉剂处理高 16.6~ 2 3.4个百分点。能有效地防止斜坡的浅层滑坡及径流。在粘接性上乳液粘着剂优于进口粉剂 ,自产粉剂与进口粉剂基本上相同。试验及大面积应用结果表明 ,草坪喷播专用粘着剂及其它配料 ,粘接性好、无毒、无害 ,促进草坪草生长 ,可代替国外同类产品。
Two special adhesive agents, one is emulsified, and the other is powered, were developed for lawn spraying and sowing. The two preparations could significantly increase the content of waterstable granular structure; Under the same soil viscosity, the content of waterstable granular structure with 1~5 mm size was 16.6%~23.4% higher than that of the imported FIN500 powder. The viscosity of the emulsive preparation was better than the imported one, and that of the powder preparation was similar to the imported one. Experimental and field use revealed that these two agents could present shallow landslide and runoff on the slope, promote the growth of turfgrass without any poisonous and harmful effects. It is considered that the two preparations and their batches could replace the imported products.
Pratacultural Science