电镀钯时因吸氢严重常导致镀层产生裂纹 ,对不同温度的电刷镀钯进行了研究 ,发现刷镀温度对镀层的内应力和裂纹形貌有显著影响 ,选择合适的刷镀温度和刷镀工艺可获得无裂纹的致密镀层。
The main factor that caused the crack of coating was the absorbed doses of hydrogen in the coating during the electrodeposition of palladium In this paper, palladium brush plating coatings plated at different temperatures were studied It was found that the lower the plating temperature, the more hydrogen absorption in the coating during the electrodeposition The number of carcks, internal stress and hardness of the coating increased with the decreasing of plating temperature The crack configuration varied with the plating temperatures The initial long cracks in the anode sliding direction could be found at 291K, and then the short cracks perpendicular to the sliding direction appeared at 282K in addition to the cracks in the anode sliding direction and there were much more cracks on both directions at 276K The opposite movement between cathode and anode was helpful to the desorptiion of hydrogen during brushing plating Crack free coating was obtained at high plaitng temperature
Materials For Mechanical Engineering