对于流程中的天然气和混合制冷剂 ,用LKP方程求解其焓熵等物性参数 ,对LKP方程的求解展开讨论 ,给出了一个收敛性极好的LKP方程求解方法 ,并计算了混合制冷剂天然气液化流程中天然气和混合制冷剂焓值与温度、压力和组分的关系。
In the simulation the mixed Refrigerant cycle (MRC) to liquefy the natural gas, the calculation of property parameters of the natural gas and the mixed refrigerant (MR) is unavoidable and the solution of the state equation is a important. For the natural gas and MR in the process, the precise of the enthalpy and entropy of the two mixtures calculated by the LKP equation is high. In this paper, the solution method of the LKP equation is discussed, and a method with good convergence is designed. The relation between enthalpy and temperature, pressure, mole percentage of the natural gas and MR is calculated using LKP equation. The calculation method is also suit for other substances.
Energy Technology
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