用 RAPD-PCR技术研究了麦长管蚜 Macrosiphum avenae在紫外辐射诱导下的 DNA分子变异与多态性。用相似性指数 ( F )和遗传距离 ( D)及聚类分析对本研究所筛选的 4种引物 S88、S71、S1 0 3、S6 6的扩增结果分析表明 :在紫外辐射 ( 2× 4 0 w)诱导条件下蚜虫的平均遗传距离为 0 .2 0 2 8,而在自然状态下蚜虫 (对照 )平均遗传距离为 0 .0 81 2 5。紫外辐射处理下的实际遗传距离为 0 .1 2 1 55,在该水平上 DNA的变异频率为4 7.6 6 6 7%。说明紫外辐射引起了蚜虫 DNA的变异 ,该变异是否能遗传值得进一步研究。
The DNA mutation rate of Macroiphum avenae under the ultraviolet was studied by the method of random polymorphic amplified DNA (RAPD PCR), and the method of cluster analysis based on the data of similarity index and Nei′s genetic distance. The result indicated that four primers(s88、s71、s103、s66) can be used for evaluating in the total clones, and that the average genetic distance equaled to 0.2028 under the ultraviolet (2×40 W), but it was 0.08125 under the normal condition. Therefore, the net genetic distance of the aphid under ultraviolet was 0.12155, and on this level, the rate of DNA mutation was about 47.6667%. Though we can conclude that the ultraviolet can result in mutation of the aphid DNA, whether this mutation has heredity remains to further study.
Acta Agriculturae Boreali-occidentalis Sinica
国家自然科学基金! (39970 112 )