对等鞭藻 30 11(Isochrysisgalbana 30 11)、等鞭藻塔溪堤品系 (TahitianIsochrysisgalbana)和绿色巴夫藻 (Pavlovaviridisai) 3株微藻种进行培养。NaHCO3的质量浓度分别为 0 ,2 0 0 ,4 0 0 ,80 0 ,12 0 0和 16 0 0mg/L ,培养温度 (2 2± 1)℃ ,盐度 2 8,光照强度 50 0 0lx。结果表明 ,NaHCO3的浓度对 3株微藻生长的影响差异显著 ,经过 6d的培养 ,培养液中不加NaHCO3、但连续充气组中 3株微藻的细胞浓度都达到最大值 ;除充气不加NaHCO3组外 ,3株微藻的细胞浓度都在NaHCO316 0 0mg/L组中达到最大值。
NaHCO 3 concentrations were designed at 100,200, 400, 800, 1 200 and 1 600 mg/L. Three marine microalgal strains (Isochrysis galbana 3011, Tahitian Isochrysis galbana and Pavlova viridis)were cultured at water temperature (22±1)℃; the salinity was adjusted to 28 by using distilled water,and the light intensity was 5 000 lx. The results showed that NaHCO 3 had significant influence on the growth of the 3 marine microalgal strains. After 6 days culture, the 3 marine microalgal strains all grew the best when NaHCO 3 concentration was 0 mg/L with continuously air-bubbling (aerating groups). Except that, the optimum NaHCO 3 concentration for the highest cell density of I.galbana 3011, Tahitian I.galbana and P.viridis were all at 1 600 mg/L.
Journal of Fishery Sciences of China
国家八六三高新技术研究计划项目!( 863 819 0 2 0 1)