采用可控挤压油膜阻尼器作为主控元件,进行转子系统振动主动控制研究。设计开发了锥形可控挤压油膜阻尼器(Controllable Squeeze Film Damping Bearing, CSFDB). CSFDB的外环轴向位置通过专门设计的电液伺服系统来调节其不同的轴向位置对应不同的油膜间隙。使转子系统、CSFDB、电液伺服系统形成一个闭环控制系统,即主动控制转子系统的振动。本文的实验研究工作内容有,CSFDB 转子系统振动特性实验研究;CSFDB 转子系统加、减速振动特性试验研究;转子系统振动的CSFDB主动控制实验研究。转子模型为一单盘悬臂转子。研究结果表明,CSFDB控制效果明显,所研制的控制仪工作可靠,能满足实时性研究;CSFDB外环位置调节系统设计思路可行,性能可靠,有推广应用前景。
Aiming to realize the more applied active vibration control of rotor system, a new actuator, Controllable Squeeze Film Damping Bearing (CSFDB), is developed in this paper. The control principle of CSFDB is performed mainly with the aid of a specially designed electro-hydraulic servo system, which adjusts the axial position of the outer ring of the squeeze film bearing so that a desired film clearance is reached. In consequence, the stiff and damping natures of the whole rotor-bearing system is changed to ensure the stability and safety of system operation. The major research work of this paper can be roughly divided into following three parts: (1) Investigation on the vibration natures of CSFDB-rotor system. (2) Study on accelerate and decelerate vibration responses of CSFDB-rotor system. (3) Experimental investigation on the active vibration control scheme of CSFDB-rotor system. The experimental results reveal that the CSFDB developed in this paper is really effective to actively control the vibration of rotor systems and has good prospect to be widely used in modern industries.
Chinese Journal of Applied Mechanics