饲料是养殖业的物质基础 ;饲料工业是养殖业现代化的坚强支柱 ;养殖业与饲料工业的关系唇齿相依。西昌市的饲料工业 ,经过十几年的努力 ,从无到有 ,蓬勃发展 ,已成为四川省五大饲料市场之一 ,年生产、销售饲料量达 9
The feedingstuff is material base of the animal husbandry,the feedingstuff industry is a strong pillar of modernization of the animal husbandry,animal husbandry and feedingstuff industry as closely related as lips and teeth.More than ten years ago. Xichang had no the feedingstuff industry.Xichang became one of the five big feedingstuff market in Sichuan prorince now,the amount of the production and selling of the feedingstuff reached ninety eight thousand tonsper year.
Sichuan Animal & Veterinary Sciences