杂交稻田有杂草3 ~4 种,杂草覆盖度为1 .6 % ,分别比粳稻田低66 % 和95 % 。杂交稻 汕优63对鸭舌草、矮慈姑 和 水竹 叶的 控 制效 果 平均 为 89 % 。在 无 芒稗 50 株/ m 2 干 扰 下, 杂交 稻 平 均减 产3 .8 % ,而粳稻平均减产34 .7 % 。
There were 3~4 species of weeds in hybrid rice with a weed cover ratio of 1.6% which reduced in 66% and 95% respectively compared in japonica rice. Shanyou 63, a hybrid rice provided 89% control of Monochoria vaginalis, Sagittaria pygmaea and Murdannia triquetra . The rice grain yield was given the slight losses of 3.8% under barnyardgrass [ Echinocholoa crusgalli (L.)Beauv. var. mitis ] interference of 50 plants/m 2 in hybrid rice. However, japonica rice was suffered heavy losses of grain yield with 34.7%.
Plant Protection Technology and Extension