为了解肿瘤科护理人员职业性危害情况 ,对 1997年 2月— 1999年 11月从事肿瘤护理专业的 48名护理人员 ,按接触化疗药物时间分为两组 ,观察其接触化疗药物前后白细胞减少程度、脱发、月经异常情况。结果显示 :接触化疗药物时间 >6个月的护理人员毒性反应明显高于 <6个月者 (P <0 .0 1)。提示 :应增强护理人员的自我防护意识 ,增强劳动保护观念 。
To know the occupational hazard of nursing staff in tumor department, 48 nurses engaged in nursing of tumor patients from Feb. 1997 to Nov. 1999 were selected. They were divided into two groups according to their contacting time of chemotherapy drugs. After they had contacted the chemotherapy drugs for a period of time, leukocytopenia, alopecia, and menoxenia of these nurses were observed. Results showed that toxic reaction of nurses contacted chemotherapy drugs 6 months or more was significantly higher than that of those who contacted drugs less than 6 months (P<0.01). Suggested that nursing staff should strengthen their awareness of both self-protection and labor safety. And by this, ones can avoid the occupational hazard.
Chinese Nursing Research