目的 探讨补肾复方用于破骨细胞药效观察的含药血清制备条件之一 (时效关系 )。方法 取体重 2 70± 2 0 g的 SD大鼠 ,雌雄各半 ,每组 10只 ,同等条件下制备补肾复方含药血清和对照血清 ,分别观察不同采血时间、不同喂药时间的含药血清对骨吸收陷窝数量的影响。结果 末次灌胃后 1h采血组的骨吸收陷窝数明显少于其它各组 (P<0 .0 5 ) ;灌胃 1d和 3d、 7d组比较其含药血清的药效无差异 ,而与对照血清差异显著。结论 补肾复方含药血清对破骨细胞骨吸收功能具有明显的抑制作用 ;补肾复方用于破骨细胞药效观察的大鼠含药血清制备条件之一为连续 2次 (间隔 2 h)灌胃、末次灌胃后
To evaluate the condition of drug sera on osteoclast(time-effect relationship).Method SD rats,average weight 270±20g,half female and half male,each group has 10 rats.On the same condition collect the effect Bushen Fang sera and control sera,observe different collection time,different administration time,different sera addition on the change in value of resorption lucuna.Result On the condition of 1h after the second administration,the lucuna number was lower than that of other group( P< 0 05).The effects of administration of 1d,3d and 7d had no differences,but had significant difference with that of the control.Conclustion Bushen Fang sera could inhibit osteoclast resorption,and the condition was two administrations(between 2h),1h after the second administration collecting sera.
Journal of Zhejiang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
浙江省自然基金资助项目! (No3990 10 )
国家九五攻关项目!(No96 90 6 0 90 5 )