从大气环境地面自动监测系统提供的大气污染物时间 -浓度变化曲线来看 ,污染物的实测值的分布并非呈正态分布 ,因此 ,用各样本值的算术平均值来反映整体的平均趋势就不确切。我们对太原市大气环境自动监测系统获取的SO2 浓度值分布状态进行了分析 ,通过理论计算得出算术平均值与真实值的偏离程度。
Air pollution curve of time-concentration were offered by air automatic monitoring system, measuring result of the pollution were not normal distribution. Therefore, the average trend were reflected in arithmetical mean of the every sample were not right. For example, distribution and concentration of SO 2 that we have acquired from air automatic monitoring system of true value and arithmetical mean were offered by theoretical calculate and modified method were offered for arithmetical mean of showing pollution trend present.
Taiyuan Science and Technology