The serum lead concertration was determined retrosptively with the serum samples which re- mained in studying of iron defficiency anemia(IDA).15 IDA paitents and 14 control'children were involved in this study and 9 of the former were treated with iron-dextran and their lead concertrations were massured again after a month.It showed that the lead concertrantions of those whose hemoglobin (Hb)rose rapidly in IDA group were not different from those of the control group(the index average of former was 30.88μmol/L,the later 34.445μmol/L)and that Hb which rose slowly in IDA group was remarably higher than that of the control group(index average was 54.47μmol/L)the result means①IDA and lead poisonings could coexist;②We should consider the existence of lead poison- ing in IDA when the effect of treatmenting with iron preparation was not good.
MeSH anemia hypochromic/TH
lead poisoning/Dl
lead poisoning/TH