本文详细地介绍了1988年黄河防汛遥感试验的情况,着重介绍了遥感图像、水位数据实时传 输系统的建立及试验的结果,介绍了黄河试验区防洪数据库的建立及试验取得的成果以及利用极 轨气象卫星进行洪水监测的结果。
To meet the requirement of the Ministry of Water Resource (MWR) the State Science and Technology commission has developed a remote sensing applied test for flood control at the lower reaches of Huanghe River during recent flood season by some units co-operation. The remote sensing system for real time monitoring flood danger condition and. losses situation is seted up. This system consists of two parts that are independent each other as well as close relative. One is real time airborne remote sensing image and water level data transmission system of Huanghe River. Another is flood contral data base of Huanghe River's flood basin. The real time transmission system consists of the airborne remote sensing system, the automatic water level measure station, the transmissive station of airborne remote sensing image and water level data, the communication satellite and microwave link and data procesing center. The flood control data base includs natural and economic data,such as DTM Land use, residental site and ete. The remote. sensing image and water level data received from the aircragt are transmitted to the Beijing and Zhengzhou by transmission links. One line dynamic image is transmitted to the Beijing through the microwave communication link. Another link is the communication sattelite by which the static image and water level data are relaid to Beijing. By flood control data base call, queckly look up inunderted area and losses. The experiment met with success on August 22th 1988. The completion of this system will help the headquarter of flood control to see the floodsite .over thousands kilometer away and can understand the Water level .data and its change, thus the headquarter can,make the precise judgement and take emergency measure to reduce tile losses of the life and Poperty of. the people. Besides we have researched application of NOAA images on flood control and have made TM photo-maps
Remote Sensing for Land & Resources