目的 总结髂腰肌血肿致股神经麻痹的诊断与鉴别诊断和中西医结合的治疗经验。方法 对 10例患者的诊断和治疗进行回顾性分析 :我们根据患者伸髋外伤史 ,患侧髂区有疼痛性包块伴股神经麻痹 ,Thomas征 (+) ,B超提示为液性肿块 ,穿刺获血 ,CT证实肿块在髂腰肌内即可诊断。主要排除血友病 ,并与局部脓肿及肿瘤鉴别。病情轻者用活血化瘀、止痛剂、神经营养药及抗生素治疗 ,重者手术治疗。结果 经治疗 9例约 1个月 ,1例约 2个月基本康复 ,可正常学习或工作。结论 本症明确诊断后 ,轻者可用中药活血化瘀治疗 ,重者应尽早手术 ,疗效满意。
Objective To summarize the experiences of diagnosis and combined Chinese and western medicine treatment in iliopsoas muscle hematoma. Methods By retrospective analysis of ten such cases, based on the history of trauma to the hip joint, mass and pain in the iliac region, femral nerve paralysis, positive Thomas sign, hypoechoic mass upon ultrasound examination and eventually by punctine with blood. CT is also useful in establishing the diagnosis. On differential diagnosis, hemophilia, local abscess and tumor must be ruled out. With mild cases, only analgesics, drugs mobilizing the stagnant blood and trophic remedies for the nerves are needed. For severe cases, operation may be necessary. Results 9 cases were treated for one month, 1 case for 2 months and all recovreed unevenfully. Conclusion After verification of the dagnosis, mild cases can be treated by Chinese herb medicine and sersions cases required early operation, the results are satisfactory. (Shanghai Med J, 2001,24∶150)
Shanghai Medical Journal