谷青汤 ,系张磊先生创制的经验方 ,药由谷精草、青葙子、决明子、酒黄芩、蔓荆子、薄荷、桑叶、菊花、蝉蜕、夏枯草、甘草组成 ,具有疏散风热、清利头目功能。适用于风热、郁热所致的头目疾患 ,诸如肝经风热上旋 ,或风热上犯所致的头晕头痛 ,头胀头懵 ,脑鸣耳鸣 ,眼痛鼻渊等病症。
Guqing Decoction,created by Mr.Zhang Lei,an outstanding old chief physician is a proved recipe,which consists of Eriocaulon buergerianum koern,Celosia argentea L.,Cassia obtusifolia L.,Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi,Mentha haplocalyx Briq,Morus alba,Cryptotympana pustulata Fabricius,Chrys anthemum morifolium Ramat,Prunella vulgaris,Vitex trifolia L. and Glycyrrhiza wralensis Fish.It has the function of dispelling wind-heat and improving mentality and vision.So it can cure head and eye diseases caused by wind-heat or latent heat such as dizziness,headache,distanding pain,tinnitus,pain in the eye and rhinitis induced by upward invasion of wing-heat of liver meridian.
Liaoning Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine