档案的“主动服务”与“优质服务”是一个已提出多年 ,但又是档案工作者一直在探讨与研究的问题。积极编研各种参考资料是主动服务的基础 ;加速档案资源信息化、现代化进程是优质服务的前提 ;转变档案人员的思想观念 ,提高档案人员的综合素质 ,是搞好主动服务与优质服务的关键。
Active Service' and “Quality Service', as two guiding principles in personnel archives administration, was put forward many years ago and is still under discussion today. Active service requires active compiling of reference while quality service calls for the internetization and modernization of archive resources. And the key to providing active and quality service is to change the mindset of archives staff and improve their overall qualities at the same time.
Journal of Yancheng Teachers University(Humanities & Social Sciences Edition)