The settlement of collaosible loess ground is an important cause for the damaging of building and the cost of ground treatment is generally quile high. In order to assess the collapsibility and establish the scope of ground treatment as accurately as possible, in accordance with “Norms for Construction in Collapsible Loess Areas” and on the basis of engineering geological investigations and geotechnical testing data ,the author of this article draws up parameter curves ontheactual baseline drawings by means of comprehensive mapping and through calculation of the collapsibility coefficient,the amuont of self-gravity collapsibility,the total amount of collapsibility and other basic parameters.This method can directly show and assess the engineering geology of the collapsible loess ground.It is of high accuracy and can provide suggestions to the design of ground treatment and the detailed engineering gelogical investigations of the next stage. The example cited in this article is a true case of collapsibility assessment in the design of callapsible loess ground treatment for a large-scale water supply pipeline system.