本文在全国庆祝经济增长率终于止跌回升的时候 ,提出了新的见解 ,应用了经济学最新的概念 ,去分析中国经济增长率的问题。与绝大多数观点不同 ,本文不是将 2 0 0 0年的经济增长率8%与过去对比 ,而是将现实生产率与潜在生产率对比 ,结论是 :中国的潜在生产率已经相当高 ,而在现存利益格局下 ,现实生产率远远达不到潜在生产率。如果不进行重大利益格局调整 ,中国经济的增长率 ,勉强维持 7%也难 ,只能够依靠内外债的增加 ,而在数年之后难免发生总体性的危机。
A new idea is raised in the paper by analyzing the economic growth rate with the late economic concepts while people all over the country satisfied with the rebound of the economy.The author compares the 8 percent of economic growth in 2000 with its potential rather than,as many economists do,with that in the past.He comes to the conclusion that the real productivity is far from its potential and difficult to reach its maximum due to the current interest groups.The growth rate would be limp at 7 percent either by domestic borrowing or by foreign borrowing,and a general crisis would be in expectation in several years unless a deep reform of the interest groups is made.
Research On Financial and Economic Issues