采用 NAA和 6-BA不同浓度组合的MS培养基 ,在 2 1~ 2 5℃的温度、 1 50 0~2 0 0 0 Lx光照 1 4 hr条件下 ,对腊梅瓶栽苗进行继代培养 ,培养 60 d后经观察分析 ,腊梅继代培养最佳的激素组合为 6-BA1 .5mg.l- 1 +NAA0 .0 5mg.l- 1。
The plantlet of Chimonanthus Praecox was subcultured with MS basic medium under 21 to 25℃ for 60 days,the intensity of light was 1500 to 2000lx and lighting hours were 14 hours per day.The results showed that the optimum hormonal combination for the subculture was 1.5mg.l 1 6 BA and 0.05mg.l 1 NAA.
Journal of Henan Vocation-Technical Teachers College