高性能计算机技术是衡量一个国家科技水平及综合国力的重要标志之一 ,目前世界上一些发达国家都在争相投入巨额资金对它进行开发和研究 .PC集群计算机就是最廉价的高性能计算机 .着重讨论了集群计算机系统构建中的一些关键技术 ,如可扩展性、可用性、资源管理、负载平衡和并行程序设计环境等 ,并给出了一个基于MPI环境的并行程序设计实例 ,同时 。
High-performance computer technique is one of the important signs of iudging a country's science and technical level and synthetical national power. Now, some developed countries in world are positively investing huge funds for its development and study. PC cluster system is the cheappest one. The paper emphatically discusses some key technologies used for deploying a cluster system, such as scalability, availability, resource management, load balancing and parallel programming environment etc, and it also gives a MPI, parallel computing instance. At the same time, according to characteristics of a cluster system, it presents the practical significance of such a system in diverse fields.
Journal of Zhengzhou University of Technology