本文通过对刑罚个别化演进的考察 ,认为刑罚个别化在其发展的不同阶段蕴涵不同 :在刑罚个别化的萌发时期 ,刑罚个别化在于弥补严格规则主义指导下的罪刑法定主义的不足 ,以促进刑罚的个别正义 ;在近代学派发展的鼎盛时期 ,刑罚个别化演进为以犯罪的个别预防为适用刑罚的出发点 ,以犯罪人的人身危险性为着眼点 ;在现代刑法中 ,刑罚个别化不仅要考虑预防犯罪的需要 ,而且要考虑报应的需要 ,既考虑犯罪的情状 ,也考虑犯罪分子重新犯罪的可能性。本文认为 ,刑罚个别化充满生机 ,不能否定。我国刑法学界对刑罚个别化的研究仍比较薄弱 。
The paper considers the punishment individualization implication is different in different developmental phase by seeing about punishment individualization development. In the punishment individualization sprouting time ,The punishment individualization is used to remedy shortage of Principle of Legality under rigorous regulationism in order to promote individual justice of punishment. At height of power and splendour of Jindai school, punishment individualization stresses individual prevention and personal jeopardy in applying punishment. In modern criminal law punishment individualization stresses not only the need of defending crime and retributive need but also criminal complexion and criminal possibility over again of criminal. The paper considers that punishment individualization is not negative because it is full of vital force. Considering research in punishment individualization is weaker, We should strengthen study in punishment individualization.
China Legal Science