当代的服装业 ,设计是核心 ,只有依法保护服装设计 ,维护设计人和企业的合法权益 ,才能规范我国服装市场 ,使我国服装业跻身世界强国之林。本文对我国专利法和著作权法如何保护服装设计及其利弊作了一定阐述 ,并对如何充分利用现有法律条件保护服装设计及如何完善现有立法提出了自己的见解。
The design in the key of the contemporary costume trade.Only wity the laws help to protect the costume design,can we protect the rights and interests of the designers and corporations,and regulate the costume market in our country.Thus,China will be one of the best countries in costume trade.This paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of protecting the costume design with the Chinese Patent Law and Copyright Law.It also makes some suggestions on how to protect the costume design with the present law and how to perfect the lawmaking about costume design.