(1)用替代试验研究了燕麦(Aneva sativa)和箭舌豌豆(Vicia sativa)在混播中的竞争相互作用。为了测定密度和混播比例对两种植物在混播条件下的行为影响,田间试验设为5个混播总密度和5种混播比例,共测定了5次。(2)方差分析表明,相对总生物量(RYT)和竞争平衡指数(CBI)对总密度,混播比例和生长时间的反应敏感。总密度对RYT 和CBI 的影响高度显著。在大多数情况下,混播比例对RYT 和CBI 的影响不显著。(3)本文研究的结果表明,持续时间对RYT 和CBI 具有很强的影响。在第1次测定时,RYT 值接近1而CBI 值接近0,这一事实表明,种间无竞争或互惠作用。而在生长旺盛期,种间竞争较为剧烈。(4)本研究结果表明,箭舌豌豆的生长严重受到燕麦的抑制作用,这说明箭舌豌豆在与燕麦混播时表现为竞争上的弱者。
(1)Competitive interaction between the species Avena sativa and Vicia in mixture have been investigated us-ing a replacement series experiment.The field experiment was conducted at five mixture total densities,five mixture propor-tions to detect the effect of density and proportion on performances of the two species in mixture.Measurement was carried outfor five times.(2)Analysis of variance indicated that relative yield(biomass)total(RYT)and competitive balance index(CBI)are sens-itive to total densities,proportions and durations.Effect of total density on RYT and CBI was highly significant under each pro-portion and each harvest.In most cases,the effect of proportion on RYT and CBI was not significant.(3)The result showed that the effect of duration on RYT and CBI were severe.At the first harvest,the evidence thatRYT gave a near one unit and CBI gave a near zero value showed that there was no competition or mutualism between the twospecies.Competition between the two species became more intense in rapidly growing season.(4)The result indicated that the growth of the species V.sativa was seriously suppressed by the species A.sativa.It showedthat the former is a inferior when it grows with the latter.
Acta Prataculturae Sinica
Annual plant species
replacement series experiment
competitive interaction