为探讨保健品口服还尔金的辐照灭菌剂量,对其初始污染细菌总数与菌谱进行了检测,进而从其中找出耐辐照细菌,对该菌悬液用60钴不同递增剂量照射法测定。结果,杀灭90% 该耐辐照细菌的辐照剂量为1.68kGy,辐照灭菌剂量为 6.02kGy。
In order to explore the radiation dosage for sterilization of oral Huan-Er-Jin, a health-care product, its initial contaminating bacteria count and bacterial spectrum were examined, then the radioresistant bacterium was found out and the radiation sterilization dosage for this bacterial suspension was measured using the method of irradiation with escalating doses of 60Co radiation. The results indicated that the radiation dosage for killing 90% of this radioresistant bacterium was 1.68 kGy and the radiation sterilization dosage was 6.02 kGy.
Chinese Journal of Disinfection