目的 用TCD新指标对血管性头痛患者进行脑血管负荷的检测和对比研究 ,阐明TCD在脑血管性头痛监测中的价值。方法 采用TCD与计算机连用的方法 ,对以上两组 146例的 16 0 6条脑血管进行新指标的对照检查。结果 10 6例血管性头痛患者均有不同程度的血流动力学异常 ,且随年龄增加病变程度更为明显。结论 脑血管收缩平均速度、反弹高度、紧张度、压力指数、缓慢指数。
Objective The aim of this study is to evaluate the importance of TCD in the diagnosis and assessment of severe state in the patient of blood vessel headache. Methods The new indices was used to measure 1606 blood vessels of brain of 146 patients in two group by TCD scan connected with computer. Results The dynamic changes of cerebral blood for blood vessels headache of 106 patients. And the changes was more severe as the age of patient. Conclusion Average speed of cerebrovascular, contraction, resistance, tensity, pressure index, slow index and cerebra vascular, load to us in our clinical diagnosis of new TCD indices for blood vessel headache. [
Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology