目的 :探讨苯甲酸雌二醇治疗剖宫产晚期产后出血的效果及安全性。方法 :选择符合子宫切口愈合不良的诊断 ,有治疗指征患者 9例 ,在严密观察下给予苯甲酸雌二醇 12mg/d ,肌注 ,血止后每 3d递减 1/3量 ,维持量 2mg/d2 2d停药 ,同时给予抗生素 ,缩宫素及支持治疗。结果 :全部病例 1~ 4d阴道流血不止 ,平均 2 5d ,撤退性出血量多于经量 ,5~ 10d止 ,2~ 3个月经周期后恢复正常 ,除回乳外未见明显其他副作用。结论 :大剂量苯甲酸雌二醇治疗子宫切口愈合不良所至的晚期产后出血有一定疗效 ,增加了保守治疗成功的希望 ,B超在诊断中有重要作用 ,新式剖宫产可减少子宫切口愈合不良的发生。
Objective To observe the efficacy and safety of high dose estradiol benzoate for treating late postpartum hemorrage after caesarean section Methods Nine patients received estradiol benzoate dosage 12mg daily After stopping blooding to reduce dose Keep a dose 2mg daily for 22 days Results All patients were successful in stopping bleeding for 1 or 4 days Withdrawal bleeding were more than menstruation The side effect was suppressinon of lactation Conclusions High dose estradiol benzoate in the patients with late postpartum hemorrage after caesarean section is effective Ultrasonography was important for diagnosis and treatent New caesarean section can reduce late postpartum hemorrage
Anhui Medical Journal