In 1988 Hirose succeeded in synthesizing diamond film in the atmosphere for the first
time in the world. The diamond film was synthesized through vapor deposition using com-
bustion flame method.
The authors have successfully deposited diamond films on Ti-6Al-4V alloy substrate
by using oxygen-acetylene and oxygen-propane combustion flame. The Raman spectrum
in Fig.1 proves that the deposited diamond film is of very high quality. At 1333cm^(-1), there
is a very sharp Raman peak that is characteric of diamond; the fluorescence background is
low, indicating that non-diamond percentage is extremely small. The width of the diamond
peak and the ratio of the height of Raman peak to the height of fluorescence background
are all close to those of natural diamond. Its full width at half peak height is small, proving
that the diamond film produced by us in the laboratory is very well crystallized. SEM ana-
lysis also shows that diamond crystals are well-formed cubo-octahedrons as shown in
Fig.2. The crystal has a size of about 10μm and contains small amount of secondary
growths. As its distance from the deposition center increases, the number of secondary
growths increases and crystal becomes nearly spherical in shape.
Hanssen et al [2] pointed out that to obtain high-quality diamond films in the labora-
tory generally requires the ratio O_2/ C_2H_2 to be high. But the authors preliminary re-
search results indicate that considerably lower O_2/ C_2H_2 may be used if suitable technical
parameters are selected.
Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University
combustion flame mehtod
vapor depositon
diamond thin film