测定西双版纳热带雨林林冠干季对雾露水的截留量及林冠层雾露形成的小气候特征 ,结果表明 ,雾露首先形成于最上林冠层 ,林下雾是由上层雾加浓下沉而来。雾露的形成不仅凝结了水汽进入森林 ,同时也对森林起到了一定的保温作用。夜间 ,各林冠层截留的雾露水总量可达 1 36mm ,其中最上层林冠截留 0 97mm(吸附水 0 4 5mm ,流落水 0 2 2mm) ,中间层林冠截留 0 4 0mm (吸附水 0 2 9mm ,流落水0 1 1mm) ,下层林冠截留 0 2 8mm ,(吸附水 0 2 3mm ,流落水 0 0 6mm)。林冠截留雾露水量的多少与最上层林冠处的风速、降温强度呈正相关关系。
Dew and fog precipitation (horizontal precipitation) resources of cano py interception and the microclimatic characteristics of dew and fog formation w ere measured in dry season in Xishuangbana tropicalrain forest through measuring air temperature, air humidity, wind speed, gross radiation, net radiation, refl ective radiation, leaf temperature and soil heat flux. Results indicated that at night dew and fog occur first at the top canopy layer, then thick fog penetrate d into understory. The formation of dew and fog not only condenses water vapour into the forest but also partly reduces the drop density of the temperature in t he forest. At night the total horizontal precipitation of all canopy interceptio n is 1.36mm, and its allocation in different layers is: sub-layer I, 0.97mm (ad s orption 0.45mm and dripping 0.22mm); sub-layer II, 0.40mm (adsorption 0.29mm an d dripping 0.211mm); and sub-layer III, 0.28mm (adsorption 0.23mm and dripping 0 . 06mm). The quantity of horizontal precipitation of canopy interception appears p ositive correlation with the wind-speed and drop intensity of temperature on to p canopy layer. The results presented suggested that fog and dew, as a meteorolog ical factor, plays an important role in hydrology of the forest. These results a lso demonstrate the importance of understanding the impacts of climate factors, and have important implication for ecologists and hydrologists interested in fog -inundated ecosystems and the plants which inhabit them.
Resources Science
云南省应用基础研究基金! (98C0 2 9Q)资助项目
Tropical rainforest
Canopy interception
Dew and fog precipitation