1999年对星云湖十二条主要入湖河流及湖面降水、降尘进行的实际监测调查表明 ,入湖河流、地表散流、降水、降尘实际进入星云湖的主要污染物总量为 :CODcr :1983 8t、BOD5:360 2 7t、SS :2 6460 5t、NH3-N :165 18t、TN :2 2 8 2 3t、TP :184 2 2 6t。污染物入湖一般以河流方式为主 ,但磷主要通过降尘方式入湖 。
The monitoring report on 12 in-lake rivers of Xingyun Lake, lake surface precipitation and dust fall shows that the main pollutants brought about are COD cr 1893 8t,BOD 5360 27t,SS26460 5t, NH 3-N165 18t,TN228 23t and TP184 266t,Although pollutants enter lake commonly through rivers, phosphate comes in with dust fall and Nitrogen with rainfall.
Yunnan Environmental Science