通过一年的总量排污收费实际征收 ,本文用实践经验 ,从确定征收标准的原则、测算样本、数据的统计分析三方面 ,结合郑州市的实际情况 ,对水污染物和大气污染物征收标准的确定进行了探讨。特别是在数据的统计分析方面 ,通过不同的统计方法计算出不同的统计结果 ,说明了制定统计方法的重要性 ,提出了科学合理的统计分析方法。
Through one year really collecting total pollution charges,we discussed about deciding the standard of water pollution and atmospherie pollution charges from deciding the principle of charge standard,testing the samples and statistical analysis of the data.Especially in the statistical analysis of the data,the article obtained the different results using the different statistical methods,thus explained the importance of statistical methods,and proposed the scientific method of statistical analysis.Meanwhile,the article simply described some questions that we should notice when deciding the standard of site charges.
Chongqing Environmental Science