舆论监督在民主政治生活和市场经济中具有巨大的作用 ,但由于有关舆论监督的立法薄弱 ,新闻媒体合法正当的舆论监督权得不到法律的应有保障 ,记者被推上被告席的现象逐年增多。因此 ,对舆论监督必须立法予以保护 ,并在司法实践中为舆论监督留下足够的法律空间 ,以疏畅舆论监督的渠道。
Supervision of the media plays an important role both in the democratic political life and in the market economy situation in our country. However, as a result of the legislative deficiency, the legal rights of the media fail to be properly protected by law and an increasing number of reporters have been charged before the court. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to legislate laws to protect the media so as to bring its supervision role into full play.
Journal of Political Science and Law