C18H18O6·H2O, Mr = 348. 34, cis-isomer: orthorhombic, Cmc21, a = 16. 421(3), 6 = 11.978(1), c=8. 624(1)(?), V = 1696. 2(?)3, Z = 4, Dc= 1.293 gcm-3, λ(MoKα) = 0. 71073(?), μ = 0. 911cm-1, F (000) = 763, R = 0. 043, Rw = 0. 042 for 769 unique observed reflections. trans-Isomer : orthorhombic, Cmc21, a = 16. 503(2), b = 12. 297(2), c=8. 557(3) (?). V = 1736(?)3, Z = 4, Dc= 1.271 gem-3, λ(MoKα) = 0. 71073(?), μ = 0. 892cm-1, F (000) = 736, R=0.048, Rw = 0. 046 for 551 unique observed reflections. The configurations of the two molecules appear as butterflies. There is a Cm symmetry in the molecule of each isomer.
C18H18O6·H2O, Mr = 348. 34, cis-isomer: orthorhombic, Cmc21, a = 16. 421(3), 6 = 11.978(1), c=8. 624(1)(?), V = 1696. 2(?)3, Z = 4, Dc= 1.293 gcm-3, λ(MoKα) = 0. 71073(?), μ = 0. 911cm-1, F (000) = 763, R = 0. 043, Rw = 0. 042 for 769 unique observed reflections. trans-Isomer : orthorhombic, Cmc21, a = 16. 503(2), b = 12. 297(2), c=8. 557(3) (?). V = 1736(?)3, Z = 4, Dc= 1.271 gem-3, λ(MoKα) = 0. 71073(?), μ = 0. 892cm-1, F (000) = 736, R=0.048, Rw = 0. 046 for 551 unique observed reflections. The configurations of the two molecules appear as butterflies. There is a Cm symmetry in the molecule of each isomer.