卡特尔是寡头垄断市场中厂商的一种重要勾结形式。对一个想要成功运作的卡特尔来说 ,市场供求弹性的变化和卡特尔强制力是必须考虑的两个重要问题。本文通过 4个案例 ,就市场供求弹性变化对卡特尔限产抬价的影响以及如何运用卡特尔强制力进行了相关探讨 。
Cartel was an important collusive way of firms in the oligopoly market.As for cartel who wanted to operate successfully,changes of supply and demand elasticity and cartel mandatory force must be taken into consideration.The artical makes relative exploration about effects of changes of supply and demand elasticity in market on cartel and how to use cartel mandatory force,finally gains some benefitial conclusions.
Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China(Social Sciences Edition)
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