西部大开发的战略正在紧锣密鼓的实施。如何保证西部大开发能够顺利、持续的进行 ,这是全国人民十分关注的事情。本文对西部大开发中的东西部关系、西部地区的自力更生与对外开发、物质文明与精神文明建设的关系 ,经济发展与环境保护的关系以及西部开发的过程等问题进行了一番思考。
To ensure the successful realization of the western development,we must deal correctly with the relation of the economic develonment between the East and west in China,self-reliance and opening to the outside worldin the west,the development of material and spirit as well as the ecommic development and environment the protection,etc.
Journal of Gansu Political Science and Law Institute